Providing free education on the legal and practical issues to help you navigate health care.

Navigating Finances

Health care is expensive, and navigating finances after a medical diagnosis can be overwhelming. These materials and resources will teach you about avoiding the financial burden of a chronic and serious medical diagnosis (often referred to as financial toxicity), managing medical bills and debt, paying for prescriptions, finding financial help, budgeting, and more.

If you are looking for direct financial assistance, please see our database of Financial Assistance Resources. Triage Health does not provide direct financial assistance.

Quick Guides, Checklists, & Other Materials

These Quick Guides, Checklists, Worksheets, and other materials, present information in a brief, easy-to-digest, printable format to take some of the stress out of navigating a chronic or serious medical diagnosis and finances. If you are looking for more comprehensive information, see our Practical Guides to Cancer Rights.

Many of our materials and resources are available in Spanish.

If you are a health care professional interested in ordering free, bulk copies of our resources please email us at

Finances is designed to help guide you through some key topics that may impact your financial situation. Whether you are newly diagnosed or many years past active treatment, this site can help. By answering a few questions, the tool will guide you to the information most relevant to you.

Drug Discount Card

The Triage Cancer drug discount card can help you save up to 80% off the cash price of prescriptions, over-the-counter medications and supplies written as prescriptions, and human equivalent pet medications. Users can also save 40% off medical equipment.