Providing free education on the legal and practical issues to help you navigate health care.

About Us

Triage Health provides free education on legal and practical issues to help you navigate health care, through resourcesmaterials, and events. This is especially important when navigating a chronic or serious medical condition. Triage Health is a program of Triage Cancer®.  

Joanna Fawzy Doran, Esq.

Chief Executive Officer

Monica Fawzy Bryant, Esq.

Chief Operating Officer

Jodi Omear, MAEdHD, MA, APR

Communications Director

Amanda Goodstadt, Esq.

Senior Staff Attorney

Laura Beilke, Esq.

Staff Attorney

Sofia Fernandez, Esq.

Staff Attorney

Christina Lewis, Esq.

Staff Attorney

Kathryn J. Strobach, Esq.

Staff Attorney

Natasha Viteri, Esq.

Senior Staff Attorney

Susan Yoon, Esq.

Staff Attorney

Christopher Cordes

Development Manager

Shelby Wells

Events Manager

Michaela Tobin

Outreach Coordinator

Maisie Ruckman

Marketing Coordinator

Thalia Garcia

Administrative Assistant

Nancy Wilkens Fawzy, PhD, RN

Accredited Provider Program Director